
Orgánic Latin America S.A. is a company whose objective is to differentiate itself through technology, innovation, knowledge and the production of different types of organic rice, Gluten Free Rice and Beans flour , and processed organic foods, which adjust to the characteristics requested by our clients and allow us apply to different markets around the world.
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All our products comply with the highest international quality standards that allow us to satisfy the needs of our clients around the world. We maintain strict quality controls and traceability of the products from the field to the destination, ensuring adequate integrity and identity throughout the entire chain.
All our products are certified ORGANIC.
In addition to Organic, all the products made are Kosher, Gluten free, free of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), free of cow's milk protein (CMA) and suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
In each analysis carried out a large number of parameters are evaluated: chemical residues, heavy metals, gluten, GMOs, mycotoxins, allergens, microbiology, among many others.
All our certifications are exposed in the design of the packaging of our products.
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